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Introduction to Mendeley Desktop

Introduction to Mendeley Desktop In-person

Learn to use the free reference management software Mendeley to save your references, annotate and take notes on your articles, and create bibliographies for your papers and articles. Mendeley allows you to organize your article, book and report references using folders, tag them for easy search and retrieval, and access them on any device using the desktop software, iPhone/iPad/Android apps, and through a web browser through Mendeley.com. References created on any device sync seamlessly with your account on the web, and are accessible on any of your other devices. In addition, connect with other like-minded researchers through over 100,000 public research groups.


Participants are encouraged to create a Mendeley Web account ahead of time at https://www.mendeley.com/ so that they are ready to begin working in the workshop. Participants are welcome to bring their own laptops.



Participants will learn how to:

            Import references from library databases into their Mendeley Desktop accounts

            Create new references by importing research articles in PDF format

            Organize references using folders and tags

            Annotate PDFs by highlighting and taking notes

            Create bibliographies in MS Word

            Create research groups for sharing references and notes with colleagues

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Multipurpose Room 0152 (Map )
Waldo Library
Michele Behr & Edward Eckel
  Faculty and Instructors     Students - Graduate     Students - Undergraduate  
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